
Power Motors of Florida

Buy Here Pay Here

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Buy Here Pay Here

Power Motors of Florida has a large selection of used cars on the lot for sale today! Their company is listed here as a Buy Here Pay Here dealership, located in 19301 US-27, Lake Wales, FL 33853, 19301 . The business address of Power Motors of Florida is  19301 US-27, Lake Wales, FL 33853 USA.

To find out more information about Power Motors of Florida, visit our website at and check their opening hours, customer reviews, traffic directions, and more.


Q What is a Buy Here Pay Here Dealership and who is it for?

This type of dealer specialises in supporting buyers who may be buying a car for the first time, have poor credit, or simply struggling to get a loan for a car elsewhere.

Q What about down payments?

The size of the down payment you will need to make depends on both the car you wish to purchase and your current credit score. The higher the payment, then the better chance you will have of getting approval for your purchase.

Q What if I have bad credit and have been rejected elsewhere?

If you can relate to this question, then visiting a Buy Here Pay Here dealership is a great choice! We specialise in this scenario and have the experts in car finance to help customers get the car they want.
